Psychotherapy is increasingly moving toward using processes that have proven relevant in human functioning to guide our interventions instead of diagnoses and protocols. Process-Based Therapy offers us a framework through which, by appealing to processes, we can use our entire therapeutic toolkit to conceptualize our clients’ difficulties and decide how to intervene.
In this workshop, we will go through the steps of using a process-based approach. Postpartum depression will be used as an example to show how, by developing explanatory networks, we can go beyond diagnosis and symptoms to achieve a conceptualization that encompasses all the problems and resources of our clients (e.g., difficult emotions, blocking thoughts, sleep and eating problems, difficulties in maintaining present attention, unsatisfactory couple relationships, work context, self-image, and lack of motivation). Also, we will see how these networks can guide us throughout the intervention in choosing which strategies and techniques to use.
The workshop includes theoretical explanations, examples and practical exercises.
- Understanding Process-Based Therapy: Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of process-based therapy as a framework for therapy
- Practicing the use of network models: Participants will understand how network models can be used for conceptualization and intervention
- Rethinking diagnostic categories from a process-based perspective: Participants will see how we can break down diagnoses into processes that can be targeted with a wide range of techniques
Competencies Acquired:
- Comprehensive Understanding of the steps of Process-Based Therapy: Proficiency in applying a process-based perspective on all phases of treatment.
- Appling The Network Approach for case conceptualization: Ability to develop and adapt network models
- Implementing and adapting a process-based intervention: Skills in choosing the approach to treatment by targeting relevant processes
Bibliographic Titles:
- Hayes, S. C., & Hofmann, S. G. (Eds.). (2018). Process-based CBT: The science and core clinical competencies of cognitive behavioral therapy. New Harbinger Publications.
- Hayes, S. C., & Hofmann, S. G. (Eds.). (2020). Beyond the DSM: Toward a process-based alternative for diagnosis and mental health treatment. New Harbinger Publications.
- Hofmann, S. G., Hayes, S. C., & Lorscheid, D. N. (2021). Learning process-based therapy: A skills training manual for targeting the core processes of psychological change in clinical practice. New Harbinger Publications.
Andreea Astefanei
Andreea Astefanei is a member of ACBS Romania, psychotherapist and PhD student at the School of Applied Cognitive Psychology, UBB. In practice, she combines techniques from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Schema Therapy, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Emotion Focused Therapy. Using an extensive toolkit, Andreea is currently developing an online intervention for postpartum depression. Also, as associate lecturer she teaches intervention methods for anxiety disorders within the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences.