A műhelymunka során, a Paul Gilbert neve által fémjelzett Együttérzésre Fókuszoló Terápia (CFT – Compassion Focused Therapy) modelljének alapjaival ismerkedünk meg, illetve változatos gyakorlatokat végzünk az együttérző elme fejlesztése érdekében, célozva az együttérzés mindhárom lehetséges irányát. Az együttérzést motivációként megközelítve, kitérünk az ACT és a CFT kapcsolódási pontjaira is, dr. Dennis Tirch, dr. Paul Gilbert és dr. Russ Harris munkássága nyomán.
In this workshop, we will first explore the model of compassion-focused therapy. We will also learn about the importance of self-compassion and ways to develop it in the light of both the Compassion-Focused Therapy (CFT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) models.
During the workshop, participants will learn about the Compassion-Focused Therapy model. Specifically,
we will cover a series of themes related to this model:
– Why do we need compassion? – Reality check
– The Three Circle Model based on Compassion-Focused Therapy
– The flow of compassion
– The role of self-compassion in the Compassion-Focused Therapy (CFT) and Acceptance and
Commitment Therapy (ACT) models
– Various exercises to cultivate the Compassionate Mind
Competencies acquired
During the workshop, participants will also develop important competences such as:
– The ability to provide case formulation based on the Compassion-Focused Therapy model
– Use of psychotherapy and psychological counselling techniques for developing the
compassionate mind
– Use the technique of working with multiple selves
Gilbert, P. (2023). Self-compassion: An evolutionary, biopsychosocial, and social mentality approach. In A. Finlay-Jones, K. Bluth, & K. Neff (Eds.). Handbook of Self-Compassion (Chap. 4), Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-22348-8
Gilbert, P. (2009). The compassionate mind. Constable & Robinson Ltd.
Harris, R. (2009). ACT made simple: A quick-start guide to ACT basics and beyond. New Harbinger Publications,
Hayes, S. C., & Smith, S. (2005). Get out of your mind & into your life. The new Acceptance & Commitment
Therapy. New Harbinger Publications, Inc. Irons, C. & Beaumont, E. (2017). The compassionate mind workbook. A step-by-step guide to developing your
Póka Tünde
Póka Tünde, PhD., cognitive-behavioural psyhotherapist, qualified in ACT and CFT courses, associate professor at University Babeș-Bolyai, Department of Applied Psychology, Cluj-Napoca.